heavy panting

5 Common Reasons Why Dogs Pant

Common Reasons for Panting

Your dog or puppy may be panting for one of these five reasons:

Heat & Heatstroke

Panting is a natural behavior observed in happy and active dogs. Unlike humans, dogs can't sweat, so panting serves as their primary means of regulating body temperature.

Panting enables a dog to quickly inhale, moisten, and then exhale air, promoting the evaporation of moisture from their nose and lungs. This internal cooling mechanism helps lower their body temperature.

During panting, dogs can lose a significant amount of water in a short time, making it essential to ensure your dog has access to ample fresh water on hot days.

Normal panting can be quite vigorous, but the intensity should correspond to the ambient temperature or the level of activity your dog is engaged in.

Overheating or heatstroke can lead to excessive panting in dogs, potentially resulting in dehydration and even death if left untreated. Immediate veterinary attention is necessary when dealing with heatstroke.

Dogs suffering from overheating will pant heavily and exhibit signs of discomfort. They may appear restless, lie down flat, or become unresponsive as their focus shifts towards cooling down.

To prevent heatstroke on hot summer days or during outdoor activities like hiking, take frequent breaks, seek shade, and provide your dog with sufficient water. Avoid exposing your dog to high temperatures or extended periods of heat, particularly if they have short snouts, as they are more susceptible to heatstroke.


Dogs may also engage in panting when they experience excitement. Panting serves as a typical behavioral reaction to exciting events, such as encountering new individuals or receiving a treat. This form of panting tends to be swift and superficial, often accompanied by whining.


Dogs often pant and whine when stressed, much like when they're excited. Pay attention to their body language, such as wide, wary eyes or yawning, as these are common indicators of stress. Evaluate the situation and take steps to ease your dog's discomfort and prevent further stress.


It's crucial to understand that dog panting can be a sign of nausea, discomfort, or pain. To determine if your dog is panting due to pain, your veterinarian can perform a comprehensive examination and may recommend diagnostic tests.


Some medications, particularly prednisone or other steroids, can lead to heightened panting in dogs, even in the absence of heat, excitement, or stress. This is a common side effect, so if your dog's panting becomes excessive, it's advisable to consult your veterinarian.

NEVER leave your dog in a hot car. The interior of a car can reach scorching temperatures and threaten your dog’s life in as little as 10-15 minutes, even on mild days. Run the air conditioner or leave your friend at home when running errands.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately.

For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.

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Heavy Panting in Dogs: When is panting normal, and when should you be concerned?

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It’s normal for dogs to pant, especially when they’re hot, excited, or energetic. Heavy panting is different, though, and may be a sign your dog is dangerously overheated, coping with a chronic health problem, or has experienced life-threatening trauma.

Here are answers to three important questions every dog owner should know:

  • What are the common causes of heavy panting in dogs?

  • What can I do about them?

  • When is it time to see the vet?


Common Causes and Treatments

Panting helps dogs cool off when they’re hot or engaged in lively exercise. Dogs take between ten and thirty breaths a minute, depending on their size. Get to know what your dog’s everyday breathing and panting looks like so you’ll more quickly notice any changes.

Some common reasons dogs pant heavily include:

Heatstroke or poisoning

It’s normal for a dog to start breathing harder or panting after exertion. As for some dogs, like Boston terriers, bulldogs, and pugs, are prone to heavier breathing than other dogs because of their short snouts. However, heavy panting is also a sign a dog may be suffering from heatstroke or may have consumed a toxic substance.

If you can’t find any obvious reason for a sudden change in your dog’s breathing, take him to a veterinarian immediately. If you suspect heatstroke, first follow the steps at the end of this article to help cool your dog safely.

Chronic illness

Illnesses like heart failure, Cushing’s syndrome, or respiratory disorders can all cause heavy breathing or panting in dogs:

  • Heart failure: Like people, dogs can suffer from heart failure. And just like people, dogs may show some of the same symptoms, including breathing difficulty, reduced exercise tolerance, and coughing. How your dog’s heart failure is treated depends on the cause. But treatment may include medications such as ACE inhibitors and diuretics.

  • Cushing’s syndrome. This occurs when a dog’s adrenal glands produce too much cortisol. Along with heavy panting, symptoms can include excessive hunger and thirst, hair loss, and a pot-bellied appearance. Treatment varies but may include adrenal-suppressing drugs or surgery. For more information on Cushing's disease, read our article.

  • Respiratory disorders. Several respiratory disorders, such as laryngeal paralysis, pneumonia, and lung tumors, may all lead to heavy breathing or panting. Treatment depends on the condition and how far it’s progressed.

Injury and pain

Dogs can’t tell us with words when they’re in pain. So, it’s up to us to know what to look for. Heavy panting is one sign your dog may have suffered an injury.

Other signs of pain or trauma in pets include enlarged pupils, reduced appetite, a reluctance to lie down, restlessness, anxiety, and licking or biting at the pain site.

Dogs may mask their pain with normal behaviors, such as wagging their tail. And an injury may be internal — for example, as a result of being hit by a car. So if you suspect your pet may be in pain, don’t delay. Seek veterinary care right away.


Some medications, such as prednisone, may also lead to heavy panting in dogs. Talk to your veterinarian if you think your dog’s medication is causing heavy panting.

Other Causes of Heavy Panting in Dogs

Heavy breathing or deep, intense panting can also be a symptom of eclampsia, also called milk fever. Eclampsia is a dangerous condition that affects nursing mothers; low blood calcium levels lead to an inability to stand or walk and tremors. And allergies, infection, or irritation within the airways can cause wheezy, noisy breathing in dogs.

No matter what kind of breathing your dog usually has, any unexplained change — whether heavy panting, coughing, or wheezing — should lead with a call to your veterinarian.


Heatstroke and Your Dog: Emergency Response

Overheating is a medical emergency — and one of the most serious reasons for heavy panting in dogs. If you suspect your dog has heatstroke, a quick response can be lifesaving.

Symptoms of heatstroke include excessive panting, glassy eyes, weakness, fast heart rate, drooling, seizures, vomiting, diarrhea, and a body temperature over 104 F. If possible, take a rectal temp. You want to stop once temp is back down to 103.

If you think your dog may have heatstroke, here’s what to do to help:

  • Move your dog inside or to a shady spot.

  • Submerge your dog in cool water (avoid cold water, which constricts blood vessels) or apply ice packs or cold towels to your dog’s chest, neck, and head. Don’t spray your dog with a yard hose -- on hot days the water inside a hose can reach near boiling temperatures. You want to cool him off gradually.

  • Give your dog cool, not cold, water. Or give him ice cubes to lick.

  • After you’ve started cooling your dog down, take your dog to the vet immediately.

The best way to manage heatstroke is to avoid it. Never leave your pet in a parked car. It’s better to leave your pet at home than to risk heatstroke. At home, be sure to provide all pets with shade and water or a way to get inside during the hottest part of the day.


When to See a Vet

Remember, panting is normal for a dog after exercise, excitement, or when it’s hot.

Call your vet immediately if any of the following applies:

  • Your dog’s panting starts suddenly.

  • You think your dog may be in pain.

  • The panting is constant and intense.

  • Your dog’s tongue or gums appear blue, purple, or white — a sign your pet isn’t getting enough oxygen.

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