Spring Cleaning Regime for Pets & Pet Owners

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Pets shouldn't be overlooked in spring cleaning. For pet parents, cleaning their pet's belongings may be obvious, but the importance of replacing other items may not be. That's where we come in!


Drop the winter weight

Many of us pack on a few pounds during the cold winter months, and chances are our dogs have too. If your dog is looking a little fuller these days it's time to talk to your veterinarian about a safe weight loss regimen for your dog. Try cutting back on treats that add calories to your dog's diet. Instead, try giving them baby carrots or plain green beans.


Grooming of the coat

Shedding increases in the springtime as dogs lose their winter coats. Make sure to brush your dog regularly. This will help keep the shedding under control, as brushing loosens and removes dead hair and dandruff from your dog’s coat.


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Bedding refresh

Your pet probably spends most of its time indoors. Spruce things up by refreshing their favorite places, including their bed, kennel, or favorite napping spot. First, vacuum in and around the area to remove hair and dirt. Next, if they sleep in a plastic or wire crate, take it outside, hose it down and dry it thoroughly. Then, launder blankets or bedding, tossing and replacing any worn items.

Collars and leashes

Often these can be washed in a washing machine. Remember to place it in a garment bag to prevent tangling or damaging. Check collars and leashes for wear and tear and replace them when necessary.


Toy clean up

Throw away any toys that are permanently soiled, damaged, or simply ignored by your pet. Gather any plush toys and launder them so they’re fresh and fluffy again. Hand-wash any plastic or rubber toys, too. If your pet has lots of toys, you can rotate them weekly to keep your pet interested. You might also keep a set of durable, Kong-type or rope toys for outdoor playtime, and keep the soft, squeaky plush toys inside so they last longer. Unused toys can be rehomed to pets in need.


Double-check on medications

If you give your pet medications or supplements, go through everything and toss any that are old or have expired. Make sure you have an adequate supply of flea, tick, and heartworm preventative on hand. If you don’t, contact your veterinarian and stock up so you don’t run out. The cost of treating heartworm just once is the same as 7 years worth of heartworm prevention!


Go through the pet’s pantry

Check for expired canned-foods and treats. Now is also a good time to make note of food and treats your pet does love and restock. Don’t forget to wash the bowls and dining area of your pet!


Restock first aid kit

A first aid kit should include hydrogen peroxide and antibacterial ointment among other items. Replace any missing or expired items so you’re prepared for the warmer days ahead!


Use natural cleaning solutions

As you’re cleaning other areas in your home, remember to keep toxic supplies and chemicals well out of reach of your pet. Consider using natural cleaning solutions like baking soda or vinegar and water.

Call your vet or the Animal Poison Hotline right away if you suspect your pet has ingested any toxic or potentially toxic substance.

Animal Poison Hotline: 1-888-232-8870

($35.00 charge per incident)

The hotline is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


Scoop the poop

If you have a backyard where your dog gets to roam freely, do a thorough clean-up of the feces before you take that lawnmower to the grass and cause yourself quite the mess and stress of a clean-up.

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