
Hair Loss in Cats

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Does your cat seem to be going bald? And what, if anything, can you do about it? There are, in fact, lots of reasons why a cat can be bald or suffer from hair loss or alopecia.

Sometimes cats are born bald

Some cats, like the Sphynx, are born with hardly any hair. In these cats, the lack of hair is a genetically determined and desirable characteristic among proponents of the breed. Some folks seek out this particular look in a cat just like others might prefer a long-haired cat over a short-haired cat.

Sometimes feline hair loss is benign and temporary

There are also passing reasons for hair loss. Just like people go through stages where they lose more hair, cats can too. Shedding is a natural and normal process that can vary in degrees. Cats that are sick or stressed for other reasons (illness, fevers, respiratory infections, pregnancy, etc.) can shed excessively. These are not conditions that demand treatment since the cat’s coat should return to normal over time.

Sometimes the hair loss is medically important

It is important, however, to consult your veterinarian if you are noticing any changes in your cat’s coat or if they are developing bald areas. Sometimes hair loss is due to a medical problem that does require intervention since the underlying reason for it can cause more serious and systemic problems relating to your cat’s overall health.

Your veterinarian will want to determine if your cat’s hair is falling out on its own or if they are scratching, licking, or chewing the hair off as a result of some inflammation or irritation. This distinction can help to focus the diagnostic approach in your cat’s case. Generally, if your cat is actively causing the hair loss, you and your veterinarian will be looking more for causes of dermatitis or inflammation of the skin (like allergies) or for infectious diseases like bacterial, fungal, or parasitic diseases (like acne/pyoderma, ringworm or mange mites). In these cases, the answer may be found through skin scrapings, cytology, cultures, or allergy testing; and appropriate therapy can result in hair re-growth.

In dogs, hormonal imbalance (underactive thyroid, adrenal dysfunctions, etc.) is a common cause of poor coats and hair loss, but these conditions are not as common in cats. Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism), however, does occur frequently in older cats and can cause coat changes as can almost any other systemic or metabolic disease; your veterinarian may want to do diagnostic tests to know for sure.

Sometimes the hair loss is psychological

That is not to say that it’s “all in their head” and that your cat isn’t really going bald. Rather, it means that many cats become obsessive about grooming. Obviously, grooming is a major focus of your cat’s average day, but cats exhibiting psychogenic alopecia can break off their hair right down at the skin and over large areas of their bodies – sometimes any and every place they can effectively reach leaving hair only on their head and neck.

The compulsion may start because of some irritation to the skin (as above), and then potentially continue on habitually, even after the inciting problem has resolved. Other cats will groom excessively for solely emotional reasons – a change in environment, a new family member, or some other stress. Whatever the reason, this form of alopecia indicates that your cat is either physically or emotionally uncomfortable or unhappy, and every effort should be made to determine what the problem is and to correct it either with medical or behavioral therapy.

In summary, hair loss or alopecia in cats can be just a cosmetic issue or it can be due to a primary skin problem. It can also be an external indication of a more serious systemic or psychological disorder. Consult your veterinarian as soon as you see any changes in your cat’s coat so the two of you can address the problem as soon as possible.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian -- they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

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What to do if your pet rabbit is itching and scratching

Rabbits shouldn't scratch themselves any more than you would. If your pet rabbit seems excessively itchy and scratches a lot, it is likely a problem that needs to be addressed. Various issues—from mites to allergies—can cause a rabbit to itch and scratch, but fortunately, these are treatable!

Why Do Rabbits Itch and Scratch?

When an animal experiences severe itching and scratching, it's called pruritus. In a rabbit, it can be due to fur, skin, or ear parasites; dry skin; allergies; or infections. No matter the cause, it's important to take care of it right away for the sake of your rabbit's health and quality of life.

Fur Mites

Cheyletiella parasitivorax are microscopic mites that live in the fur of rabbits. Cheyletiella mites are blood-sucking parasites that bite your rabbit in order to feed, which causes it to itch and scratch.

Fur mites are also referred to as "walking dandruff," because they're often seen moving the dead skin around on rabbits, creating the appearance of mobile skin cells. They may start off in a small area on your rabbit, but if left untreated, they can spread all over its fur, into the environment in which they live, and to other rabbits and pets.

Even if your rabbit never goes outside, it can get fur mites from food or bedding that you bring into your home.


While not as common as some other parasites, lice do infest rabbits. They're species-specific, so humans and other non-rabbit pets can't get them.


Many people don't think that rabbits can get fleas, but the reality is that any pet with fur can. Fleas, like fur mites, are blood-sucking parasites that bite rabbits, which, in turn, causes them to itch and scratch.

Female fleas lay up to 50 eggs every day, so even if you only see one or two adult fleas on your rabbit, they've probably already laid hundreds of eggs. Fleas also bite humans, but female fleas usually can't produce viable eggs when human blood is their only food source.

Indoor rabbits can get fleas just like outdoor rabbits. Other pets in the household can give your rabbit fleas and they can be tracked in from the outdoors. Fleas can also find their own way into homes just like other insects, such as ants.

A flea comb will help you find fleas and flea dirt. Flea dirt is the cylindrical feces that turn red if rubbed with a wet cotton swab. This is a good trick for distinguishing the digested blood from normal environmental dirt.

Dry Skin

Your rabbit may develop dry skin, which can make it itch and scratch. Rooms with very low humidity, dusty environments, poor diets, and bathing your rabbit too often or using inappropriate shampoos can all contribute to dry skin in your pet. If you can determine the cause of the dry skin, then you should be able to reverse it. For temporary relief, ask your vet to recommend a rabbit-safe spray product.

Ear Mites

Psoroptes cuniculiis are ear mites that cause itching and scratching. They can be spread from rabbit to rabbit, so wash your hands after handling a rabbit with itchy ears (and in general!). You may notice hair loss around the ears and/or scabs, or the rabbit's ears may look especially dirty. A head tilt, a flopped ear, and head shaking are all signs of an ear mite infestation, which doesn't always affect both ears. If you notice any of these signs, take your rabbit to see the veterinarian.


Just like people, some rabbits are allergic to certain substances that cause them to itch and scratch. Usually, these allergies are environmental and not food-based, so you can make changes to bedding, litter, cleaning solutions, and air purifiers to make your rabbit more comfortable at home.

Common environmental allergens include the dust in certain litters or in the rabbit's hay, as well as laundry softeners and detergents used on blankets.

Rabbits can also be allergic to parasites such as fur mites and fleas. This will make an infestation of these pests even more irritating to your pet.

Skin Irritants

In addition to allergies, rabbits may be irritated by certain products, especially if they aren't meant for rabbits. Shampoos, conditioners, sprays, and air fresheners may all cause skin irritation in your rabbit. If you use a new product, such as a shampoo, and the next day your rabbit is itching, it may be because it was too harsh for your rabbit's skin. This is often the case with products meant for dogs that are used on rabbits.


Caused by two main types of organisms (Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Microsporum canis), ringworm is a fungal infection that causes hair loss, itching, and red "ringworm" lesions in rabbits. People can also contract ringworm from a rabbit.

The main cause of ringworm, as well as mites and fleas, is direct contact with an infected rabbit. When you bring a new rabbit into your home, keep it separate from your other rabbits until you're sure it doesn't have an infection. Rabbits can also contract ringworm from dirty environments and brushes that were used on an infected rabbit.

Skin Infections

Urine scald and feces that have remained in prolonged contact with your rabbit's skin and generally unclean environments may cause your rabbit to develop a skin infection. The infected area may become red, inflamed, and very itchy and should be treated right away.

Treating Itching and Scratching for Rabbits

The methods used to treat a rabbit's itching and scratching depend on the cause. However, a number of problems are solved through the same means.

  • Fur mites are highly contagious to other rabbits. If you have other pets in your house and your rabbit is diagnosed with Cheyletiella mites, take care not to spread these parasites to other animals. Wash your hands after handling your rabbit and throw away the food and bedding in its cage.

  • For fur and ear mites, lice, and fleas, freeze all unused food and bedding that you purchased from a pet store or online. The parasites can be brought into your home with such items, so freezing them before use is also a good way to prevent an infestation.

  • If your exotics vet diagnoses your rabbit with mites, she will most likely prescribe a medication such as Selamectin, which will kill the infestation without harming your rabbit. Over-the-counter products are typically not safe for rabbits, and you should always consult your veterinarian prior to administering such products.

  • If you find fleas or flea dirt on your rabbit, treat your rabbit and all the other furry pets in the household with a safe medication, just as you would for fur mites.4 You will also need to clean and treat the environment. Some rabbit owners use boric acid powder in their carpeting and various flea sprays and bombs sold at pet stores. If you choose to use these products, make sure your rabbit is out of the room you're treating for at least 24 hours.

  • If your rabbit has environmental allergies, use fragrance-free fabric softeners and detergents meant for babies or sensitive skin to wash its blankets. If symptoms continue, look to other possible allergens in your rabbit's environment—for example, dust or pollen from an open window in spring or summer—and try to correct these.

  • Ringworm is usually treated with topical ointments or oral medication prescribed by your exotics vet.

  • Skin infections typically require prescription medications. An anti-itch spray is available that's safe to use on rabbits, but if the root of the problem isn't addressed, the spray merely provides temporary relief.

How to Prevent Itching and Scratching

Often, your rabbit's itchiness can be prevented by keeping its environment clean. The freezing recommendation for any rabbit supplies is an excellent place to begin as is the use of fragrance-free laundry products for any washable rabbit bedding.

Beyond these, be sure that your rabbit's cage is as clean as possible. Daily and weekly upkeep can make a significant difference in the health of your pet and prevent many skin infections. When bathing your rabbit, use only products designed specifically for rabbits.

It's also a good idea to regularly examine your rabbit's fur. This will help you to easily recognize any abnormalities and take treatment steps immediately, which can prevent an infestation, ear, or skin problem from getting worse.
At the same time, take precautions for any other pets in your home, using products such as flea preventives on a regular basis. Take care about exposing your rabbit to other animals that could transmit any of these issues as well, especially if it's kept outside or allowed to go outside.

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Types of Skin Problems Found in Cats

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If your cat's got a case of constant scratching and licking, a skin problem may be to blame. Cats are susceptible to skin infections, parasites, allergies, and many other conditions commonly seen in people.

Feline Acne

Yes—cats get pimples, too. Feline acne typically appears on and around a cat's chin. Possible causes include stress, poor grooming, a reaction to a medication, an underlying skin condition, or even the plastic bowl you put out with her food or water. Your veterinarian may recommend a specialized shampoo or gel to clear up the breakout, or antibiotics if a bacterial infection accompanies the acne.

Bacterial Infections

In many cases, bacterial skin infections develop as a result of another skin problem. For example, feline acne can make a cat's hair follicles more vulnerable to infection, resulting in folliculitis. Bacterial infections may be treated with antibiotics, but it's important to address any underlying skin conditions to prevent a recurrence.

Yeast Infections

Yeast infections are caused by a fungus and are also more likely in cats that have other medical problems. The ear is one of the most common spots for a yeast infection. Symptoms may include a black or yellow discharge, redness of the ear flap, and persistent scratching of the ear. Yeast infections respond well to treatment with antifungal medicine, but be sure to get a diagnosis from a veterinarian before using anything on your cat.


Ringworm is another type of fungus that affects cats, especially if they are under age 1. It may cause circular lesions on a cat’s head, ears, and forelimbs as well as any other part of the body. The skin around these lesions is often flaky and bald. Ringworm is highly contagious and can spread to other pets in the home, as well as to people. Treatment depends on the severity but may include specialized shampoos, ointments, or oral medications.


Yet another fungus — although rare — sporotrichosis produces small, hard skin lesions that may leak fluid. Sporotrichosis is considered to be a public health concern because the fungus is known to spread from cats to humans. People with a compromised immune system are especially vulnerable. For these reasons, cats with sporotrichosis should be treated promptly, and caregivers should be meticulous about hygiene.

Allergic Dermatitis

Cats can have allergic reactions to grooming products, food, and environmental irritants, such as pollen or flea bites. Scratching the head or neck is a common sign of food allergies. Symptoms of other allergies include chewing on the paws or base of the tail or scratching the ears. Allergies can also cause hair loss or skin lesions anywhere on the body, including the belly. There are a variety of treatments to soothe itchy skin associated with allergies, but avoiding exposure to the irritants is the best strategy.

Shedding and Hair Loss (Alopecia)

If you live with cats, you learn to cope with cat hair on your favorite sweater. But if you notice your cat is losing more hair than usual or has bald patches, see your veterinarian as soon as possible. Abnormal hair loss can be a warning sign of several illnesses, as well as fleas, stress, allergies, or poor nutrition.


The idea of tiny insects feeding on the blood of your cat may make you shudder, but fleas are a very common problem. You can look for them or their droppings in a cat's coat, especially where the fur is pale. Other signs of a flea infestation are persistent scratching, crusty skin lesions, and thinning hair above the base of the tail. To eradicate fleas, you’ll need to treat your cat as well as your furniture, bedding, and rugs.

What has been the gold standard of flea control is a monthly flea prevention protocol. It not only kills fleas on your cat, but those in your home should eventually be eliminated as they fail to reproduce. Monthly control, though, is not the only option. There are also products that can be given every other month as well as a collar that can provide protection for up to 8 months. Talk to your vet about what would be best for your cat. And remember: Treating all pets in the home is necessary for whatever plan you use to be effective.

Ear Mites

Ear mites are tiny parasites that are drawn to the wax and oils inside a cat’s ear. As they feed, they cause inflammation that can lead to a serious skin or ear infection. Signs of ear mites include excessive scratching of the ears, head shaking, and a strong odor and a dark discharge from the ears. Suspect ear mites when both ears are affected. Mites can be treated with a topical product prescribed by your vet. Ear mites are also contagious to other animals.


Lice are parasites that feed on dry skin. They are commonly found on young, neglected cats and often go unnoticed. Large infestations can lead to scratching, restlessness, unusual coat appearance, and hair loss. Like mites, lice can be treated with a topical solution. Because lice are species-specific, you do not need to worry about getting lice from your cat.

Stud Tail

Also called tail gland hyperplasia, stud tail refers to overactive glands on the top of the tail. These glands produce waxy excretions that result in hair loss and crusty lesions. In severe cases, the condition can make the tail vulnerable to bacterial infections. Neutering may eliminate the problem in male cats. Other treatment options include diligent grooming of the tail and the use of specially formulated shampoos.

Eosinophilic Granuloma

If your cat has raised ulcers or lesions on the nose or lips, she may be having a type of allergic reaction known as an eosinophilic granuloma. This reaction can occur anywhere on the body, but is most common on the face, pads of the feet, and thighs. Food allergies or fleas are sometimes to blame, but the lesions can also result from bacterial infections. Treatment depends on what is causing the reaction.

Skin Tumors

A lump in your cat's skin is not necessarily cancer, but should be checked by a veterinarian. Older cats and those with white ears and heads are especially susceptible to skin cancer. To confirm a diagnosis of cancer, a biopsy is necessary. If the lump is small enough, a vet may recommend removing it entirely. For tumors that have not spread, this may be the only treatment needed.

Dry, Flaky Skin

Like people, some cats get dry, flaky skin in the winter. It's usually nothing serious, but have your veterinarian take a look. Persistent dandruff may be a sign of poor nutrition, inadequate grooming, or an underlying medical problem. Special shampoos and supplements of omega-3 fatty acids can help treat feline dandruff.

Compulsive Grooming

Cats are known to be fastidious groomers, but sometimes they overdo it. Compulsive licking, chewing, or sucking on the skin may lead to irritation, infection, and thinning hair (a condition called psychogenic alopecia). Cats may groom compulsively in response to stress, such as moving into a new home, but they may also overgroom due to a medical problem such as arthritis. If this describes your cat, talk to your vet about stress reduction and behavior modification strategies that can help as well as address some underlying medical issues.

When to See the Vet

Check with your veterinarian as soon as possible if you find any oddities on your cat’s skin -- flaking, scaling, redness, or bald patches. Even if the skin looks fine, your cat should be examined if she is scratching, licking, or biting herself excessively.

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What Can I Catch From My Dog?

Anyone who’s watched their dog go through a bout of diarrhea or the sniffles & sneezes has probably wondered if they, too, were at risk of getting sick.

Can you get sick from your dog?

The answer is yes. There are a number of diseases you can contract from your pet, and they are known broadly as zoonotic diseases. The word “zoonotic” is used to designate any disease that is transmitted from animals to humans. The best known and most feared example of a zoonotic disease is rabies.

Other common zoonotic diseases in dogs include:

Is my dog or myself really that at risk?

Now for the good news: although it’s possible to catch a zoonotic disease that’s been bothering your pup, it’s not likely. That being said, your chance of contracting a zoonotic illness does increase if you have a compromised immune system due to a pre-existing disease or medical condition.

Examples include:

  • Persons infected with HIV or suffering from AIDS

  • Pregnant women

  • Patients being treated with chemotherapy or radiation therapy

  • Elderly people

  • People with chronic diseases or congenital immune system deficiency

  • People who have received organ/bone marrow transplants

If I’m at a higher risk, should I give my dog away?

No! It just means that you need to be extra cautious around your pet. Besides, there are a lot of studies out there that have proven that the benefits of having a pet, especially if suffering from chronic illness, are immeasurable. In fact, sometimes doctors actually recommend pets for their sick patients.

Several measures can be taken to ensure that you remain safe, including regularly monitoring your dog for signs of illness, basic hygienic practices such as washing your hands after handling your pet, and most importantly, avoiding direct contact with your dog’s urine or feces. Make sure you use that pooper-scooper!


The best way to reduce or eliminate your risk of contracting zoonotic diseases from your dog is simple and boils down to hygiene and common sense. Here are some more specific suggestions:

  • Make sure the illness in your pet is addressed. Don’t put off visits to the vet if your dog is showing signs of illness. If your dog IS sick, wash your hands after handling him or her.

  • Keep your dog clean! Bathe him or her regularly; doing so will allow you to more closely examine your pooch for signs of illness, especially skin lesions and rashes.

  • De-worm your pup. Getting your dog on a heartworm preventative isn’t only to prevent heartworm alone. Broad-spectrum de-wormers can also prevent roundworms and other parasites!

  • Take care of your dog’s poop while out on a walk and dispose of it all promptly.

  • Give your pets separate water dishes and bowls.

  • Wash pet bedding often.

  • Use flea and tick preventatives regularly.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call your veterinarian – they are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

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What Can I Catch From My Cat?

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Although most feline infectious diseases only affect cats, some of these diseases can be transmitted from cats to people. Diseases that can be transmitted from animals to people are called zoonotic diseases. While not comprehensive, this article highlights the most common zoonotic diseases that may be carried by cats and simple precautions you can take to reduce your risk of contracting these diseases. For more information about specific risks, diagnosis, and treatment of zoonotic diseases, contact your physician/health professional.

What's the risk?

The likelihood of an average person contracting a zoonotic disease from a cat is low, but individuals with immature or weakened immune systems are more susceptible to these diseases. This includes infants, individuals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), the elderly, and people undergoing cancer chemotherapy or receiving other drugs that may suppress their immune systems.

Common Feline Zoonotic Diseases

Bacterial Infections

Cat scratch disease (CSD) is caused by a bacterium called Bartonella henselae, which may be carried in the saliva of infected cats and in the bodies of cat fleas. As the name implies, this bacterial infection is usually transmitted from cat to human via scratches, although it can also be transmitted via bite wounds and when a cat licks the open wounds of a person. Among cats, this bacterium is most commonly transmitted by the bites of infected cat fleas, and it may also be found in the feces of these fleas, which can serve as sources of infection if exposed to an open wound in either a cat or a human.

People with CSD usually develop swelling and possibly a blister at the site of the bite or scratch. Lymph nodes in the region of the wound may swell and become painful, and affected individuals may experience fever, headache, sore muscles and joints, fatigue, and poor appetite. Healthy adults generally recover with no lasting effects, but it may take several months for the disease to go away completely. People with compromised immune systems may suffer more severe consequences, including infections of the eyes, brain, and heart. Severe cases of CSD may require antibiotic therapy to resolve.

Approximately 40 percent of cats are infected with Bartonella henselae, but most show no signs of disease. Antibiotics do not reliably cure infection in these cats and are not currently recommended. For humans, avoiding scratches and bites (for example, by not allowing children to play roughly with cats), washing hands after playing with cats, controlling fleas, and keeping cats indoors all reduce the risk of CSD. Because most cases of CSD result from contact with kittens under one year of age, immunocompromised people should avoid such contact.

Pasteurella multocida is a bacterium found in the mouths of between 70 and 90 percent of cats, and it has been found in between 50 and 80 percent of cat bites in humans that become serious enough to seek medical attention. Cat bites infected with this organism may develop pain, swelling, and redness at the wound site within 24 to 48 hours. Pasteurella-infected cat bite wounds are successfully treated with antibiotic therapy in the vast majority of cases, but more serious complications, such as the spread of bacteria through the blood stream and infection of heart valves, may occur in rare cases.

Salmonella poisoning, also called salmonellosis, is caused by a group of bacteria called Salmonella, and can lead to diarrhea, fever, and stomach pain beginning one to three days after infection. People usually contract salmonellosis by eating contaminated food, such as undercooked chicken or eggs, but it is possible to contract the disease from infected cats, which can carry Salmonella bacteria and pass them in their stool. Although salmonellosis usually resolves on its own, some individuals require medical attention to address severe diarrhea or the effects of the infection on organs other than the digestive tract.

Salmonella is more commonly found in cats that feed on raw meat or wild birds and animals, so owners can reduce the risk of salmonellosis in themselves and their cats by keeping cats indoors and feeding them cooked or commercially processed food. Wearing gloves when cleaning litterboxes or gardening (in case outdoor cats have defecated in the soil) and washing hands thoroughly after these activities is also recommended.

Parasitic Infections

Fleas are the most common external parasite of cats, and their bites can cause itching and inflammation in humans and cats alike. Fleas may also serve as vectors for CSD and other zoonotic diseases. Flea-infested cats may become infected with tapeworms from fleas ingested while grooming. While not common, people can also become infected with tapeworms by inadvertently ingesting fleas.

Scabies, or infection by the mange mite Sarcoptes scabiei, is another zoonotic external parasite of the skin of cats. While not as common as flea infestations, these mites can be passed from infected cats to people, where they burrow into the skin and cause itchy, raised lesions. Treatment in people usually involves the use of topical ointments to decrease itching, diligent treatment of infective pets, and careful cleaning of clothes and bedding.

Certain feline intestinal parasites, including roundworms (Toxocara) and hookworms (Ancylostoma), can also cause disease in people. Children are particularly at risk due to their higher likelihood of contact with soil that has been contaminated by cat feces. Although most people infected with feline intestinal parasites do not show signs of illness, some people may get sick.

Visceral larva migrans, a potentially serious disease that can affect various organs, results from consumption of Toxocara eggs (for instance, when soiled fingers are placed in the mouth). Toxocara larvae may then migrate to abdominal organs, including the liver, or to the central nervous system. Symptoms of visceral larva migrans may include fever, fatigue, coughing, wheezing, and abdominal pain. Ocular larva migrans is the term used for a condition in which Toxocara larvae migrate to the eye, causing visual disturbances, abnormal eye movements, or eye pain and discomfort.

Cutaneous larva migrans, an itchy skin disease, is caused by contact with soil contaminated with Ancylostoma larvae. These larvae may penetrate and migrate under the skin, with resultant inflammation, itching and pain, and raised, red linear lesions in the skin that follow the larva’s migration. Proper hygiene, including washing hands before meals, cleaning soil from vegetables, and reducing exposure to cat feces can prevent infection. Anti-parasite medications for kittens and annual fecal exams for adult cats can reduce environmental contamination and the risk of human infection.

Fungal Infections

Ringworm (or dermatophytosis) is not caused by a worm at all. Rather, it is a skin infection caused by a group of fungi. Infected cats most often come from environments housing large numbers of animals. In cats, ringworm usually appears as a dry, gray, scaly patch on the skin. In humans, ringworm often appears as a round, red, itchy lesion with a ring of scale around the edge. Lesions may be found in a variety of places, including the scalp, the feet (where’s its referred to as “athlete’s foot”), the groin, or the beard. Ringworm is transmitted by contact with an infected animal’s skin or fur, either directly or from a contaminated environment. Infected cats continuously drop fungal spores from their skin and fur. These spores, which remain capable of causing infection for many months, are difficult to eradicate from a household. Children are particularly at risk of infection. Treatment involves the use of either topical antifungal ointments or oral antifungal medication, depending upon the severity and location of lesions. To reduce environmental contamination, confine infected cats to one room until they are free of infection, then thoroughly clean and disinfect the household.

Protozoal Infections

Protozoans are single-celled organisms. The three most common protozoal diseases in cats and humans are cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, and toxoplasmosis.

Cryptosporidiosis can cause diarrhea, vomiting, fever, abdominal cramps, and dehydration in both cats and people. Either direct or indirect contact with the feces of cats infected with Cryptosporidium organisms can lead to transmission of this disease. As with most other zoonotic diseases, immunocompromised individuals are at the greatest risk of infection. To prevent the spread of infection, schedule annual fecal examinations for your cats, and medicate infected cats as directed by your veterinarian. Other preventive measures include wearing gloves while handling feces-contaminated material and washing hands afterwards.

Giardiasis is caused by infection with the microscopic parasite Giardia. Many animal species (including the cat), are susceptible to infection with Giardia, which is passed in the feces and usually spread to other animals and humans via contaminated water sources, surfaces, or in uncooked food items. The symptoms of Giardia infection include diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal cramps, nausea, and dehydration. A number of prescription drugs are available to treat this condition, and most people that are infected make an uneventful recovery. It is important to realize that the majority of cases of giardiasis in people do not occur as a result of infection by cats, but rather by ingesting water or food contaminated by farm animals or wildlife.

Toxoplasmosis is caused by the parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. People with weakened immune systems and infants whose mothers are infected during pregnancy can develop severe illness from this parasite. Most people infected with Toxoplasma, however, show no overt signs of disease.

Cats can acquire Toxoplasma by eating infected rodents, birds, or anything contaminated with feces from another infected animal. An infected cat can shed the parasite in its feces for up to two weeks. Once shed in the feces, the parasite must mature for one to five days before it becomes capable of causing infection. However, it can persist in the environment for many months and continue to contaminate soil, water, gardens, sandboxes, or any place where an infected cat has defecated. Although pregnant women or immunosuppressed individuals are often advised to remove cats from the household to reduce the risk of toxoplasmosis, direct contact with cats is very unlikely to spread infection with this organism.

Cats can transmit Toxoplasma to people through their feces, but humans most commonly become infected by eating undercooked or raw meat, or by inadvertently consuming contaminated soil on unwashed or undercooked vegetables. The symptoms of toxoplasmosis include flu-like muscle aches and fever, and headache. In rare cases, more advanced symptoms such as confusion, seizures, vomiting, or diarrhea may be observed.

Basic hygiene can prevent the spread of Toxoplasma from cats to humans. Wear gloves when handling potentially contaminated material (for example, when gardening or scooping the litterbox), and be sure to wash your hands afterwards. Cover children’s sandboxes when not in use to prevent wandering cats from defecating in them.

Pregnant women or immunosuppressed individuals are safest when other household members clean the litter box.

Viral Infections

Rabies is a viral disease that is spread through the bite of an infected animal. Although most viruses infect only their natural host species, rabies is an important exception. Cats are highly susceptible to rabies, which attacks the central nervous system, causing a variety of signs. Rabies is almost always fatal. In people, rabies infections usually occur when an infected animal bites a person. In order to protect human health, rabies vaccination of cats is required by law in many areas. Even if your cat is kept indoors, it is important to keep rabies vaccines current because cats occasionally escape outdoors, and because rabid animals such as bats and raccoons occasionally enter houses. To further reduce your risk of rabies, avoid contact with wildlife and stray animals and see a doctor immediately if you have been bitten by an animal.

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