feline inflammatory bowel disease

Let's talk about cat poop!

Healthy Poop in Cats

How often should a cat 'go'?

The general rule of thumb is that a cat should poop at least once a day. However, the frequency of your cat's bowel movements is affected by multiple factors including the age (i.e. kittens defecate more often than adults), diet, exercise, and health status (i.e. IBD, hyperthyroidism, parasites, CKD).

Because of this, the exact frequency of the bowel movement will be individual, and you should monitor for its fluctuations instead. If your cat's bowel movements start to differ from the normal frequency for longer than a day or two, it is advisable to pay a visit to the vet and resolve the cause of the change.

What does healthy poop look like?

Healthy cat poop should be deep brown in color (but not too dark nor black) and malleable in consistency (similar to modeling clay; it should be firm enough to leave little to no residue on the ground when picked up, yet pliable and not too hard). Poop should be passed in one piece or a few smaller pieces of somewhat cylindrical shape and segmented appearance. The odor shouldn't be too foul, although this can be variable.

Unhealthy Poop in Cats

The key signs to look out for in your cat's poop are the consistency, shape and color. The stool's consistency is directly influenced by the amount of moisture in it, which gives you an insight into the colonic health. The colon (or the large intestine) reabsorbs the remaining water and other key nutrients from the indigestible material, thus solidifying this material into the firm stool. The consistency of the stool can be descriptively scored to help you recognize if your cat's stool is healthy.

A comprehensive fecal scoring guide was described by Purina. According to Purina's guide, the consistency of the healthy stool can be scored on the scale from 1 to 7. The healthy stool (as described above) is scored with 2, while the stool that is too hard and dry is scored with 1. Scores from 3 to 7 are reserved for moist, mushy or liquid stools.

Hard stool (score 1) is typically a sign of constipation, which can be associated with dehydration, colon obstruction or certain metabolic and neurological conditions. Thus, if you notice that your cat is passing poop that is too hard in consistency, you should pay a visit to the vet and address the issue. The hard poop is passed in smaller, more spherical pellets which leave no residue on the ground, and the passing itself requires more effort.

Soft, mushy or liquid stools (scores 3-7) can be a sign of bacterial infections, intestinal parasites, or food intolerance. If your cat's poop is moist on the surface, thus leaving residue on the ground, but retains the shape and form when picked up, then its consistency can be scored with 3. This poop has little to no visible segmentation, but is not considered to be an alarming sign.

If the poop is so moist that it feels saggy and it loses form when picked up (but does retain a logged shape when passed), then the consistency can be scored with 4. Furthermore, if the stool is passed in a pile rather than the logs, then it is scored with 5. If your cat passes liquid stool with texture but no shape, then the consistency is scored with 6. Liquid stool without any texture nor shape is scored with 7.

Soft or fluid stool (as described by the scores 4-7), accompanied by a more frequent bowel movement, are referred to as diarrhea. While the causes for diarrhea are variable and often multi-factorial, this state is considered to be an important, sign of underlying problems and is a legitimate reason to consult with your vet. Sometimes, diarrhea can be caused by stress (i.e. moving to a new environment or bringing in a new pet), or food allergies and intolerance.

Other times, however, diarrhea can be a symptom of a disease, a bacterial infection, or even intestinal parasites. If your cat is suffering from diarrhea, make sure to closely monitor the frequency on your cat's bowel movement, so you can report it to your veterinarian. Keep an eye on other signs of disease and injury and the changes in your cat's behavior. This will be key for the diagnosis of the underlying cause.

Contact your veterinarian ASAP after spotting the symptoms, especially if diarrhea persists for more than two days and is accompanied by lack of appetite, lethargy, or vomiting. The veterinarian will diagnose the underlying cause and help you design a special recovery diet for your cat until it recovers.

The stool is a direct insight into its colonic health. It can help you recognize if your cat is eating the right diet and drinking enough water or if it's suffering from certain health problems. So, the next time you clean the litter box, make sure to quickly inspect if your cat's poop is healthy! A healthy cat is a happy cat.

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Frequent Vomiting in Cats: Signs, Causes, and Treatment

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It's abnormal for a cat to vomit daily or even several times a month. If your cat is vomiting frequently, it could be from a simple issue such as hairballs. It could indicate your cat has eaten a toxic substance or has a serious illness. Whatever reason you suspect, see your vet as soon as possible. A thorough exam can give an accurate diagnosis and provide treatment options.


If you suspect that your cat (or any pet) has eaten something poisonous, call your vet or the Pet Poison Helpline immediately.

Many conditions and circumstances cause cats to vomit repeatedly. It could be a passing thing or a sign of a serious health concern. The key to correcting the issue is to identify the cause.

Eating Too Fast

One possible benign cause for frequent vomiting is that your cat eats too much food, too fast. This can happen to any healthy cat. You will notice your cat vomits barely digested or undigested food immediately after eating.

Food Allergies

The most common food allergens in cats are beef, fish, and chicken. Other ingredients can lead to allergies as well. Cats with food allergies are treated with special diets containing ingredients they haven't been exposed to before.


Sudden vomiting can also be caused by poisoning, which is an emergency. There are several sources of toxins in the average home:

  • Antifreeze: Ethylene glycol is a poisonous ingredient in antifreeze. It is attractive to cats and dogs because its tastes sweet. Signs of poisoning include nausea and vomiting. Choose antifreeze with propylene glycol, which the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has labeled as non-toxic.

  • Other home and yard toxins: Human medications, toxic cleaners, insect sprays, and yard and garden sprays to control weeds and pests all have the potential to poison your pets.

  • Recalled cat food and treats: When news of a pet food recall breaks, take notice. Some recalls are because the food contains dangerous toxins. Read about the affected brands of food, then check to ensure that you don't have any in your home. If you do, follow the recall instructions and dispose of it immediately.

Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Feline inflammatory bowel disease is another cause of vomiting. It is usually accompanied by diarrhea and weight loss. This disease can occur anywhere in a cat's intestinal tract, including the stomach (gastritis), the small intestine (enteritis), or the large intestine (colitis).


Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas, which is part of the endocrine and digestive systems. Cats with pancreatitis show vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, fever, and an unwillingness to drink water or eat.

Chronic Kidney Disease

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is common in older cats. Kidneys filter waste from the blood. They balance nutrients and play a role in controlling blood pressure. Signs of CKD include vomiting, lethargy, diarrhea, weight loss, and increased water consumption. While CKD is a progressive disease, earlier intervention can lead to better outcomes.

Feline Diabetes

Diabetes is another endocrine disease. As with pancreatitis, vomiting is a common and often one of the first signs something is wrong. Other signs include increased thirst, hunger, and urination as well as weight loss and muscle weakness.


Frequent vomiting along with increased appetite and weight loss are also indicators of hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid gland, which is part of the endocrine system. You can also look for signs such as irritability, diarrhea, weakness, and excessive thirst. Additionally, your cat's fur may appear as if it's not being groomed as normal.

Hepatic Lipidosis

Hepatic lipidosis is also known as 'fatty liver disease'. While not a primary cause of vomiting, persistent vomiting can lead to hepatic lipidosis. This disease can be fatal. However, it's often reversible, provided it's quickly diagnosed and treated.


Although hairballs are common in cats, they're no laughing matter. Hairballs that are not vomited up can cause a bowel obstruction. Surgery is required to remove the obstruction.


If your cat vomits for two days in a row, call your veterinarian. They will determine if your cat should be examined. You may be able to treat your cat at home.

The treatment for your cat's vomiting depends on the underlying cause. For instance, treatment for feline inflammatory bowel disease includes medication. If your cat also has food allergies, they need a limited-ingredient diet. If your cat has kidney disease your vet may recommend blood pressure medication and increasing fluid intake. Hyperthyroidism can be treated with surgery, medication, or radioactive iodine.

Your vet will guide you through the options and help you make an informed decision based on your cat's specific needs.

How to Prevent Vomiting

You can also take action to help prevent or decrease the frequency of vomiting in your cat:

  • If your cat eats too quickly, try to slow things down. Feed frequent small meals. Offer food on a paper plate rather than a bowl. Automatic feeders dispense a specific amount of food at a time.

  • If your cat still vomits after eating too fast, put an inedible object (e.g. a golf ball) in their bowl. This forces your cat to eat around the object to pick out the food. The object must be clean and large enough so your cat can't swallow it.

  • If you suspect food allergies, a diet change is in order. Talk with your veterinarian about different options. Be sure to read the ingredient list carefully.

  • Routine veterinary exams are excellent preventative measures against health problems. Your vet can diagnose medical conditions in the early stages. This gives your cat the best prognosis.

  • To prevent the possibility of poisoning, keep toxic chemicals, medications, and other potentially hazardous away from your pet. Remember, cats are curious and can get into or jump on things you might not suspect. Make sure there are no antifreeze spills on your garage floor or driveway. Keep your cat out of the garage. Pet-proof your home regularly.

  • To prevent hairballs, brush your cat and prevent it from over-grooming. Frequent use of a high-quality cat brush or de-shedding tool can go a long way toward preventing a veterinary emergency. You can also try hairball-reducing food that includes more fiber. Mild hairball laxatives are available as well. These are designed to help any hairballs move more smoothly through the digestive tract.

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