
What is Kennel Cough? How can I tell if my dog has kennel cough?

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What is Kennel Cough?

Kennel cough (infectious tracheobronchitis) is a contagious, upper-respiratory disease. It is transmitted by an airborne virus and often complicated by a secondary bacterial infection. Kennel cough occurs more commonly in puppies and young adult dogs. It is often caught at kennels or shelters where dogs are exposed to many other dogs, which gives it is name. Because the virus is airborne, normal cleaning and disinfecting of kennel surfaces cannot eliminate it.

How can I tell if my dog has Kennel Cough?

Dogs with kennel cough are usually bright and alert and usually eat well; however, they have a dry, hacking cough or bouts of deep, harsh coughing often followed by gagging motions. The gagging sometimes produces foamy mucus. Most dogs with kennel cough do not have a fever.

Treatment options for Kennel Cough

  • If your dog has these symptoms, consult your veterinarian for treatment. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent or cure a secondary infection.

  • Keep dogs in a relatively warm environment and make sure they are rested to help prevent the development of pneumonia.

  • Prevent the spread of this disease by keeping your dog away from other dogs.

Prevention of Kennel Cough

In general, healthy adult dogs that come into contact with large groups of other dogs should have a Bordetella vaccine annually, and boarding facilities may require a booster within the last six months. Talk to your veterinarian about protecting your puppy from Bordetella with vaccination at the appropriate age.

When to take precaution and call your vet

It should be known that not every cough is “kennel cough.” Some dogs bark almost continuously while sheltered, which can lead to a sore throat or many other upper-respiratory diseases.

If your dog has a fever, is less active than normal, has a decreased appetite, has a discharge from the eyes or nose, has difficulty breathing, or is older than three years, a more serious problem may be present.

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