What is Hip Dysplasia?

Hip Dysplasia typically develops because of an abnormally developed hip joint. However, hip dysplasia can also be caused by cartilage damage from a traumatic fracture. With such damage or a malformed hip joint, over the time the existing cartilage will lose its thickness and elasticity. The breakdown of the cartilage will eventually result in pain with any joint movement.

No one can predict when or if a dog will start showing signs of lameness due to pain. The severity of the disease may be affected by environmental factors, such as caloric intake or level of exercise. It is not abnormal for certain dysplastic dogs with severe arthritis that run, jump, and play as though nothing is wrong. There are also some dogs with very little arthritic x-ray evidence that are severely lame.

Screenings for hip dysplasia are done by a veterinarian with x-rays that are then sent to OFA for grading and certification.

Hip Screening: Grade Classifications

The OFA classifies hips into seven different categories: Excellent, Good, Fair (all within Normal limits), Borderline, and then Mild, Moderate, or Severe (the last three are considered Dysplastic).


Excellent Classification

Superior conformation; there is a deep-seated ball (femoral head) which fits tightly into a well-formed socket (acetabulum) with minimal joint space.

Good Classification

Slightly less than superior but a well-formed congruent hip joint is visible. The ball fits well into the socket and good coverage is present.

Fair Classification

Minor irregularities; the hip joint is wider than a good hip. The ball slips slightly out of the socket. The socket may also appear to be slightly shallow.

Borderline Classification

Not clear. Usually, more incongruency then what occurs in a ‘Fair’ classification, but there are no arthritic changes present that definitively diagnose the hip joint being dysplastic.

Mild Classification

It is significant yet partial dislocation is present where the ball is partially out of the socket, causing an increased joint space. The socket is typically shallow only partially covering the ball.

Moderate Classification

The ball is barely positioned into a shallow socket. There are secondary arthritic bone changes usually along the femoral neck and head (aka remodeling), acetabular rim changes (osteophytes or bone spurs) and various degrees of trabecular bone pattern changes (sclerosis).

Severe Classification

Marked evidence of dysplasia exists. The ball is partially or completely out of the shallow socket. Significant arthritic bone changes along the femoral neck and head and acetabular rim changes.


Treatment Options

Once osteoarthritis is present on a radiograph, dysplastic changes are irreversible and typically continue to progress over time. If a dog with hip dysplasia has secondary arthritis and pain, most owners opt to first treat their dog with medical management. The key is weight control and exercise. Studies have shown that up to 76% of dogs with severe dysplasia and secondary arthritis are able to function and live comfortable, quality lives with conservative management. With weight control, the goal is to prevent the dog from becoming overweight to reduce stresses applied to the joints. In general terms, ribs should be easily palpated and there should be an indentation in front of the pelvic wings (waistline).

Controlled exercise is to prevent or relieve the inflammatory process that leads to the pain associated with arthritis. The amount and difficulty of the activity is determined on a trial and error basis. Exercise should begin on short-leash walks and increase level of activity over time. If clinical signs begin to reappear, scale back the level of exercise to a point where the clinical signs do not reappear. Exercise should fit to each individual dog’s maximum intensity level with the goal to maintain muscle tone and cardiovascular function without causing pain, stiffness, and inflammation to the affected joint(s). Exercise helps maintain muscle tone, strengthens & stabilizes the unstable dysplastic joint, and improves joint range of motion (which in turn keeps the dog comfortable). Another useful activity is swimming, as it is a non-weight bearing exercise.

Keep the dog in a warm environment. Warmth tends to help control the pain of arthritis. As in people, arthritis pain in dogs tends to worsen in damp and cold weather. Provide a well-padded and warm bed will help alleviate some of the pain associated with osteoarthritis. An egg-crate foam bed for dogs is commercially available. Applying superficial heat in the form of heating pads may also alleviate pain, but do heed caution as not to burn the skin with electric heating pads. Heat works best for chronically inflamed joints while cold works better to treat acute (sudden) types of joint injuries.

There are drug treatments and surgical interventions that may help, but prior to initiating any therapy, the attending veterinarian should be consulted with a complete medical history and physical examination.

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dog health

Genetic Disorders in Cats


Genetic disorders are health conditions that are hereditary. Genes that carry particular health concerns often skip several generations of felines and develop in future pets belonging to the cat’s family. The types of conditions that develop are often breed-specific. Just as the breed of cat determines if the cat is long haired or short haired, so are certain genetic disorders predisposed to pets. Research suggests that purebreds are also more likely to inherit genetic disorders than non-purebred pets.


Breeds that are genetically predisposed to disorders:

  • Burmese

  • Persian

  • Siamese

  • Himalayan

  • Bengal


Genome Mapping

Genetic testing helps to determine healthy pets safe for breeding purposes. Research into newer techniques is trying to detect the presence of abnormal genes in cats used for breeding and in newborn kittens. Since several pets are carriers of the defective gene, even though they don’t exhibit clinical symptoms of a genetic disorder, genetic testing helps to determine pets safe for breeding. In recent times, science has developed a new methodology for modifying abnormal genes with gene therapy—however, clinical trials are still underway.


Genetic Disorders in Burmese Cats

Burmese cats inherit several gene disorders such as: keratoconjunctivitis sicca, ocular dermoids, hypokalemic myopathy, and encephalomeningocele. Burmese cats are also prone to developing certain eye and facial malformations.


Genetic Disorders in Persian Cats

Persian cats inherit many more genetic disorders for their breed, ranging from: seborrhea, glaucoma, kidney disorders, hip dysplasia, epiphora and even Chediak-Higashi syndrome.


Genetic Disorders in Siamese Cats

Siamese cats inherit several genetic illnesses such as asthma, glaucoma, malignant tumors of the mammary glands, mast cell tumors, and hydrocephalus. Siamese cats are also prone to developing hip dysplasia, strabismus, mucopolysaccharidoses, and heart disease.


Genetic Disorders in Himalayan Cats

Himalayan cats inherit polycystic kidney disease, eye disorders such as cataract, alopecia, and cutaneous asthenia.


Genetic Disorders in Bengal Cats

Like Himalayan cats, Bengal cats are less prone to inheriting as many genetic disorders, such as retinal atrophy.


Other breeds prone to genetic disorders

Although the types of disorders inherited are fewer, breeds such as Maine coon, Devon rex, and Abyssinians develop ophthalmic and bone disorders, among other conditions. It is pertinent to the various genetic disorders pets may suffer from in the future in order to monitor any symptoms of disease and to take preventive measures to slow the onset of health concerns.


Tips for Pet Owners

Although gene modification is trying to eliminate genetic disorders, the process is expensive and requires elaborate testing. Pet owners should talk with their vet about preventive techniques or the use of supplements to safeguard felines from known genetic illnesses. Cats suffering from diabetes or urinary tract disorders due to genetic predisposisions require lifelong diets and home care.

It is important to have your vet check on your cat before selecting them for breeding, as the healthiest of cats are more likely to deliver a healthy litter.

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New Year's Eve Survival Guide for Pets & Pet Owners

nye fireworks survival guide for pet owners and pets _BlogTh.png

Up-to-date ID

Parties mean doors getting opened a lot. Even if you have thoughtfully hung a sign on your bedroom door saying ‘Do Not Open’, or if you have your pets safely contained in a crate inside the bedroom, accidents happen. Make sure your pet ID tags and microchip information has your current address and phone numbers.


Confining your pet

Many pets have a favorite hiding place they go to when frightened. For some pets, a crate can lend a feeling of safety, security, and act as a sort of sanctuary. However, for some pets that did not grow up using a crate, it may only cause more stress and lead to injuries of their nails or teeth trying to get out. If crating is not an option, place your pet in a room they cannot hurt themselves or damage any belongings.



For dogs and even cats, giving them plenty of exercise on New Years Eve day will help them achieve a more restful sleep that night. A good long walk or hike with your pup will help burn off any day-of anxiety for both you and your dog.


No human food

Make sure everyone is on the same page that the dog is not allowed table scraps. The #1 reason pet owners end up at the emergency vet on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day is due to a sick pet from too much people food, good or bad. Even supposed ‘safe’ foods you think of can lead to pancreatitis, which can be fatal.


White noise

Fireworks and loud music can disturb and upset even the calmest of pets. Put on white noise or classical music at a volume that will cover up outside noise. For sound-sensitive animals, many pets find relief in using a Thundershirt pet wrap (available at most pet stores).


Distract with toys or games

Food puzzles and new toys to play with during the time there will be a lot of noise or festivities will keep an active and distracted mind. For cat owners, try spritzing catnip spray on the new toy. For dog owners, stuff a puzzle toy with peanut butter to keep their attention focus (we highly suggest peanut butter filled Kongs).


Don’t reward anxious behavior

It is ok to hug them, but do not reward any anxious behavior by fussing over them. Staying happy and in control lets them know everything is ok.


Talk to your veterinarian

If your doctor is already familiar with your pet’s issue, speak with your vet to consider anti-anxiety medication for your pet. Other options are diffusers (Adaptil for dogs, Feliway for cats) which release natural pheromones that help keep pets calm during times of stress.

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Related: We have more information under our cat health + dog health categories.

December Gift Guide

Last minute gift shopping got you stressed? Shop stress-free at River Landings Animal Clinic. These following products are both pet and vet approved for any pet and pet owner!


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